Electrochemical (EC) SPR allows seamless integration of SPR with electrochemical measurements.
When combined with voltammetric techniques, SPR measures changes in the physical properties of an electrode surface or molecules adsorbed on the electrode. In EC-SPR, the thin metal film not only serves to excite surface plasmons, but also acts as a working electrode for electrochemical detection.

FIG. 1 By controlling the potential of the “working electrode” (SPR metal sensor) with respect to a reference electrode using a potentiostat, electrochemical processes can be studied by monitoring both the current and the SPR signal at the
Electrochemical SPR not only produces standard CV curves (Figure 2a), but also yields information about the SPR signal change in response to oxidation and reduction processes (Figure 2b).

FIG. 2 (a) Observation of the electrochemical behavior of a redox molecule (Cyt. c) as it switches between oxidation and reduction states. (b) Observation of conformational/ physical change of the same redox molecule as it switches between oxidation and reduction states.
We offer two types of EC-SPR analysis modules:

For advanced two-channel electrochemical SPR research
*optional accessory for BI-2500 and BI-4500

For electrochemical SPR research
*optional accessory for BI-2500 and BI-4500