Here at Biosensing Instrument Inc., we offer powerful SPR Instruments and accessories tailored to your unique research needs. Our flexible designs let you take charge of specific applications by allowing the selection of custom modules. Furthermore, you can upgrade the instrument as your needs evolve– placing precise, efficient and affordable research right at your fingertips. Explore our instrument models and modules below to see what fits you best.
Never before has research been so brilliantly straightforward.

The Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Microscopy system, integrates optical microscopy and SPR, is a powerful cell-based assay technology for measuring binding activities of membrane proteins in vitro. It allows the simultaneous measurement of phenotypical changes of the sample via bright field and binding strength and kinetics via SPR on live cells.

High throughput with 5 channels flow modes Temperature controlled multi-module design Fully automated sample delivery with BI-DirectFlow™ technology Compatible with electrochemistry and chemical vapor applications

Three-channel SPR detection Innovative multi-module design Compatible with electrochemistry and chemical vapor applications